Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Worth looking into...

If you were to look in the dictionary for the word writer, you would see a picture of my wife, Billie. She has used her writing skills for years. If she wasn't involved with writing pieces for the New York papers she would be teaching other writers how to write better. She's that good.

Now it's time she put some of her best work out there for the entire world to see. She has put together a beautiful little book of short stories, poems, and blog excerpts. Many are true while some are pure figments of a very creative mind.  

Billie said to me that she really didn't care if anybody bought the book. She was happy that she could see her words in print. Well I'm not happy at all. I won't be happy until all of her friends and relatives get a copy for their own enjoyment.

If you're interested in buying Billie's book, "Paradox: True or False Tales" click here.

Publisher's Update:

An additional proof of the manuscript is going to be generated in order to weed out any typographical errors. Once that is accomplished, the book can safely go to the distributor. Sorry for the delay. I get over-excited sometimes and "jump the gun."

This reminds me of the fiasco that I caused when my nephew, Danny was born. I went to the hospital along with Jack and Joanne. While I was in the waiting room I felt extremely excited because my future godchild was about to come into the world. Anyway, after a few hours, and ten bags of Lays Potato chips, I saw Jack come into the waiting room with a smile on his face. "What's up?' I pleaded. "Not yet, Jim. But Soon."

Well in my over eagerness I interpreted "Not yet ...but soon." as "Joanne gave birth to a baby boy and you're an uncle."

That was the message I gave my cousins JT and Susan by phone at 3:15 in the morning of May 17th. I doubt they forgot that call.

Well, this time the birth of my novel into a paperback hasn't arrived yet. But soon.

Have a good night sleep.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Paperback version is completed and on the way to retailors But in the meantime...

Enjoy another snippet from the book:

Suddenly, the bird stopped whistling and struggled to speak making sounds as if a hairball had been caught in the back of its throat: "Aack…aack…aack, aack…!!"
Leo stepped back from the mortuary table and looked at the bird who was hacking uncontrollably.
"What's going on here, fella?" he asked the parrot and pointed toward the opened door of the room. "Shadow, go upstairs if you're hungry." The parrot did not respond. Leo shrugged his shoulders and tried to explain: "Your dish is full, and I just changed your water a little while ago. So go. Scat!"
"C'mon what's up, fella?" Leo lightly guided his hand along the back of Shadow's head and neck to comfort the bird. "Is something wrong?"
Shadow jerked his head and tilted it at an angle to stare back at Leo. The bird twitched its feathers and opened its left wing slowly which began to shake. The trembling of the red-tipped wing grew in intensity as the hacking loudened. Leo stood motionless in front of his spasming pet, all the while knowing that there was nothing he could do to help. He simply watched in awe at what was the start of an unfathomable transformation. It was a sight he had witnessed so many times before.
Shadow rested on his side, head cowering beneath his opened wing to shield himself from the bright flourescent overhead lighting. Leo reached out to pet the bird, but his hand was met by a pale diaphanous aura rising from the corpse, which blanketed his quivering pet. He saw the hue evolve slowly from a buttery yellow glow to a blinding white brilliance that radiated throughout the preparation room.
What Leo witnessed next was a deliberate and complete metamorphosis. The dull gray feathers on his parrot ripened into beautiful, fresh ivory-colored plumes. Then the bird stopped shaking. The aura receded, and Shadow faded back into his normal gray-and-red coloring.
Leo felt relieved knowing that all Shadow's worrisome spasms had completely subsided. Shadow had also regained his normal composure and then flew to his birdcage across the room.
However, Leo was distinctly aware and somewhat troubled about another movement on the mortuary table—the cadaver of inmate number 19042666134. Adrian Blackmore was no longer dead. This, too, was something he had witnessed many times before.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

I've moved, well, not really...

Now I have a facebook/ author page. The place is kinda new and I have a lot of work to do to it, but you can drop by if you 'd like. Click here: J. Paddy Spaight