Friday, July 20, 2012

Favorite Sons

        "Baby Jimmy" was Jim and Muriel's bundle of joy. He had been the center of their attention for a little over four and one half years. Not unlike many first born infants, "Baby Jimmy" apppeared as if he could do no wrong no matter how loud or often he cried or   how many diapers he soiled. Whatever he did simply brought smiles to the faces of his proud parents'. They even went one step further by retaining a photographer's skills to capture their son's antics in print. Thus, a  display of "Baby Jimmy" in bare-bottom poses hung on their wall for years . 
     Moreover, a day never passed without hearing someone marvel: "Cute Baby Jimmy did this," or "Cute Baby Jimmy did that," and on and on and on. . . .   
     But who knows what was really running though "Cute Baby Jimmy's young mind. It might have been obvious, like,  "C'mon guys. . .enough is enough already. . .some of this stuff that I've been getting away with. . . wasn't cute at all."
     What little Jimmy needed most now was a compadre, a pal, a partner in crime—yes, a brother. 
     It was late one spring day when Jimmy's dad prepared to share some very good news. First, he whisked his son up and settled him on his lap

     "Geez, not again," Jimmy thought. "What 'cute' thing did I get away with this time?" His daddy lovingly grinned at his son but Jimmy's eyes looked away to  his daddy's arms instead.   The shear size of which made Jimmy ponder, "must be as big as my tummy."  Then south his sight travelled to his daddy's  flourishing tummy.  My dad wasn't  fat , he decided,  ". . .yup, the're just more muscles he has no other place to keep."

     But true to form, little Jimmy began to fidgit and up he reached  to rub the coarse stuble on dad's cheek.  It was then that Dad leaned to his left and reached to pull out his wallet.  All the while keeping his son steady with only one bulky arm.  Still, Little Jimmy bounced about more and leaned in closer to breathe in his daddy's hair.  It was there that the aroma of dad's Brylcreme always made him feel safe.

     "Easy kidd-o. . . I've got a question for you." his dad asked the boy.

     "Yeah, Dad?" the young lad answered while looking at the thick leather wallet.

     Dad opened his billfold wide to fan all the fiftys and hundreds with his thumb. "See all this?  Well, this is what the doctors want in order to give you a little brother. . ."he explained then looked at his son and asked, "wha'da'ya'say?"

Jimmy quickly nodded his approval and slid off his dad's lap to attend to another more pressing problem - which new toy to play with, the garbage truck or his new Lincoln Logs.  

     The following day when his dad was at work, Little Jimmy stayed with Nana Smith where he awaited the arrival of his mom and his brand new brother, Jackie.  It wasn't long before he heard a familiar voice announce at the doorway "Guess who's here?"  Nana excitedly yelped.  She then took her grandson’s hand and bent down to him and said "C'mom, Jimmy, it's your mommy with your new baby brother, Jackie." Jimmy bolted to the door just as his mommy walked in.  He wrapped his little arms around her whom he hadn't seen for days.  All the while, Nana was cuddeling baby Jackie as she headed out of the room.  After everyone was settled, Dad and mom presented me with a gift-wrapped package and said with a smile, "This is from your new brother, baby Jackie."  Jimmy shredded the wrapping paper and was surprised with two sparkling cowboy toys that Santa had forgotten to leave him.
   Little Jimmy blurted "Yippeee" and ran out of the kitchen towards Nana who was bent over the linen-lined white bassinette in the parlor.  Dad followed and then hoisted his son high so he could look down at Jackie, his new brother.  Jimmy waved his new toys high above him, his smile became giggles and warmly uttered, "Thanks, baby Jackie,  you're the best."  Then as if on cue, Jimmy once more started to fidgit and squirmed as his dad lowered him to the floor.  Little Jimmy couldn’t wait to play with his new toy.

     As those days became weeks, and those weeks turned into months, Little Jimmy was happy to hear voices marvel again.  But remember,  dear reader, the only child was now the older child and that meant the torch had been passed to young Jackie.   

     Suddenly those very same voices now bellowed,  " Ewwww . . .Jimmy did this???" also chuckled with, "Awww . . .look. . . cute baby Jackie did that.”

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