Sunday, August 5, 2012

The x-ray technician

X-rays don't lie.  I counted two titanium plates and eleven screws in Billie's mending left ankle.  Speaking of x-rays, I noticed that the technicians who operate these space-age machines have their own language. Whether they work at hospitals, laboratories, or even clinic offices, all are an entirely different breed of the medical profession.  X-ray technicians are more laid-back than all of them.  And that's how it should be.
These medical technicians, or artisans of electromagnetic radiation as I sometimes say.  Wait a sec, I never said electromagnetic radiation in my life.  Who am I kidding. . .I was trying to show off. Sorry about that.  People who know how to work x-ray machines  dress and talk different.  I don't mean different in a wierd way but a more relaxed fashion.  Take the clothes, for example.  Some smocks have skeletal designs, others sport  baseball team logos, while many have the technicians nickname embroidered on it somewhere.  I can understand an x-ray technician a heckuvalot better than a physician.  I don't know about you, but I would rather hear "Manny" say to me "turn to your right and hold you breath" than  "Doctor Emanuel" order "upward rotation of the scapula and inhale." I have no clue what doctors say when they talk to me.  I guess that sorta explains why I get sick so often.
X-ray technicians are funny people.  They set up this huge machine, adjust all the proper dials, change the heavy frames that hold the unexposed film, align the patient with the film, grab that beatup heavy vest then run out of the room.  To be honest, if I was them, after doing all that preparation, I think I'd stick around for awhile and admire my own accomplishments.  But that's me. . .
I do sometimes wonder if these technicians carry wallet size x-rays of their family to show other x-ray technicians.  I can just imagine how their conversation would sound, maybe something like:
"Hey, hey, Manny. . . you have a beautiful family. Nice bone structures." 
"Here's a film of Manny Junior as a toddler." 
"Boy, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree here,Manny." His friend observed, "He has your eyeball sockets."
"I have one more of the entire family facing left, but I keep that one framed in my darkroom."
 I think if I was an x-ray technician, I would furious at D.C. Comics.  Never have I read, in all the countless issues of Superman, the appearrance of an x-ray technician with their trusty lead apron come to Superman's aid when he was near any Kryptonite.

Not fair.  I suggest we start a letter writing campaign immediately.

O, by the way, Billie was fitted with a ski boot last week.  More P.E. to come.


  1. HILARIOUS!!!! I think this is one of my favorites! Love the medical terminology you used too. It looks correct to me. But you ARE pretty darn healthy--Kohut keeps you that way.
    I've never seen one with any skeletal designs but I'd like them. The techicians probably don't want to scare the patients.
    LOVVVE the wallet-photos. You are one heck of a genius. I always knew it! G-d! I TOLD YOU years ago!!!! Love your wife--Billie

  2. Cracked up...especially about the wallet photos...You have such a strange (as in wonderful) sense of humor.That is so funny. It seems like something Billie would do since she loves to look at all that medical stuff! And yes, Billie, they sell tee shirts with skeletal designs on them.

    Still get a kick out of the picture of the Pope on your living room wall.

    out here in the boonies of Rancho
